Our community has access to many wonderful trails for walkers, hikers, cyclists, skiers and snowmobilers.
Cataraqui Trail
Part of the Trans-Canada trail system, the Cataraqui Trail passes through Chaffey's Lock, crossing over the old (1912) railway bridge. It follows the abandoned CN Railway line running from Strathcona near Napanee to Smiths Falls. The section near Chaffey's Lock is arguably the most scenic part of this trail.
The best access point (with room for parking) is near the intersection of Indian Lake Road with Opinicon Lake Road, about 1 km west of Chaffey's Lock. It is a four season trail - available to hikers, cyclists, skiers and snowmobilers. Since it is on an old railway bed (gentle gradients), it is very easy to hike, ski or cycle. Head west of Chaffey's for the best views. For more about the Cataraqui Trail see: cataraquitrail.ca For more information about the old Railway bridge see: www.railwaybob.com/ChaffeysLocks/00ChaffeysIntro.html |